یکمی خارجکی ![😂 😂](https://forum.alaatv.com/assets/plugins/nodebb-plugin-emoji/emoji/emoji-one/1f602.png?v=0f40260f8ee)
![🙂 🙂](https://forum.alaatv.com/assets/plugins/nodebb-plugin-emoji/emoji/emoji-one/1f642.png?v=0f40260f8ee)
Smile and Smile and enjoy your opportunity for living ...! Smile and trust God and leave everything to him ...! Smile and be happy ...! Smile and be sure that every pain and sorrow is temporary ...! Smile and be yourself ...! Smile and know that you are unique because a peerless God made just 1 Version of you ...! Smile and climb to the top of the mountain of yours ...! Smile because you can enhance and improve yourself daily ...! Smile because every mistake can make you better ...! Smile because there is no losing in your whole life ...! Smile because every failure is your experience and every success is your moment ...! Smile because you may die tomorrow ...! Smile because you’re breathing ...! Smile because God loves you ...! Smile because your story is yours and you are different from others ...! Smile and thanks God for this opportunity that is called life ...! With all the sorrows, pains, cheers, tears, laughters, failures and successes, living is still beautiful ...!:)
~ •♡•
Hello, it was very beautiful. But sometimes smiles are full of pain, sometimes you laugh to forget your pains, but a beautiful smile is to smile at all your difficulties and problems. Although we all have many reasons for sadness, I know that sadness is always easier for a greedy person, whether a person is prosperous or poor, he is always ungrateful, sad and greedy. Let's laugh, even as small as a future smile for us, this is a truth -
Hello, it was very beautiful. But sometimes smiles are full of pain, sometimes you laugh to forget your pains, but a beautiful smile is to smile at all your difficulties and problems. Although we all have many reasons for sadness, I know that sadness is always easier for a greedy person, whether a person is prosperous or poor, he is always ungrateful, sad and greedy. Let's laugh, even as small as a future smile for us, this is a truthGharibe Gomnam
,Yep! Couldn’t agree more
But You know whenever you’re sad
and you want to stop
even in those times
There Are a lot of reasons for being Happy
and you’d smile duo to those reasons
In other words
When you’re trapped by a lot of sorrows
You can smile too
? Why
Cause there is a tomorrow that you will be happy and your problem will be solved
Cause there is a God who is watching you and helping you and who is take care of you
Cause God won’t give you any problem which you don’t have the power to overcome it
And If You have a problem now You definitely have the power and things that are! necessary for handling them
That’s it -
Gharibe Gomnam
,Yep! Couldn’t agree more
But You know whenever you’re sad
and you want to stop
even in those times
There Are a lot of reasons for being Happy
and you’d smile duo to those reasons
In other words
When you’re trapped by a lot of sorrows
You can smile too
? Why
Cause there is a tomorrow that you will be happy and your problem will be solved
Cause there is a God who is watching you and helping you and who is take care of you
Cause God won’t give you any problem which you don’t have the power to overcome it
And If You have a problem now You definitely have the power and things that are! necessary for handling them
That’s itMobtala
Your opinion is respectful to me, in my opinion, being sad is not bad, but you should get up, you should laugh, you should have hope in life, in the end, we all may lose a loved one, get sick, make a financial loss or... so it is not a problem for We may not be good for a while, but we have to get up, because life is flowing, time is moving, we can poison time, ruin life, and regret the lost life like our grandfathers and grandmothers, or after every strong upsetting event. Let's get up and continue -
Your opinion is respectful to me, in my opinion, being sad is not bad, but you should get up, you should laugh, you should have hope in life, in the end, we all may lose a loved one, get sick, make a financial loss or... so it is not a problem for We may not be good for a while, but we have to get up, because life is flowing, time is moving, we can poison time, ruin life, and regret the lost life like our grandfathers and grandmothers, or after every strong upsetting event. Let's get up and continueفی هذا الاوقات المهمیه اَن تنتهی الی الاجراء الکأس العالم فی قطر ؛ مقامات القطری تعزم هیئت الاولی لترضی الایرانیین اَن تعوق الحملات الصواریخی من البلد الیمنی الی سعودی ولکن هنا لا تضمین القطعیه عن هذا المهمیه.
هذا الواقعه وقعت لالاظهارات المقامات النظامیه الایرانیه فی الاسبوع الماضیه .
قناه الخبریه پرس تی وی فی تائید هذا التهدید وسع الربرتاژ الکامل عن المنابع المطمئنه .
حاج من الاوقات الانتظارات بعد الکأس العالم توجه عن الخبر الاولیه
العالم تنظر الی ایران و ایران تنظر الی بعد الکأس العالم ...
پ.ن : تزئینی باشه تو این صفحه
Your opinion is respectful to me, in my opinion, being sad is not bad, but you should get up, you should laugh, you should have hope in life, in the end, we all may lose a loved one, get sick, make a financial loss or... so it is not a problem for We may not be good for a while, but we have to get up, because life is flowing, time is moving, we can poison time, ruin life, and regret the lost life like our grandfathers and grandmothers, or after every strong upsetting event. Let's get up and continueGharibe Gomnam
We’re at the same page -
فی هذا الاوقات المهمیه اَن تنتهی الی الاجراء الکأس العالم فی قطر ؛ مقامات القطری تعزم هیئت الاولی لترضی الایرانیین اَن تعوق الحملات الصواریخی من البلد الیمنی الی سعودی ولکن هنا لا تضمین القطعیه عن هذا المهمیه.
هذا الواقعه وقعت لالاظهارات المقامات النظامیه الایرانیه فی الاسبوع الماضیه .
قناه الخبریه پرس تی وی فی تائید هذا التهدید وسع الربرتاژ الکامل عن المنابع المطمئنه .
حاج من الاوقات الانتظارات بعد الکأس العالم توجه عن الخبر الاولیه
العالم تنظر الی ایران و ایران تنظر الی بعد الکأس العالم ...
پ.ن : تزئینی باشه تو این صفحه
Muhammad Ali Rahmani
من عربیم خوبه ولی بدون علامت نمیتونم -
Gharibe Gomnam
We’re at the same pageMobtala
Yes -
فی هذا الاوقات المهمیه اَن تنتهی الی الاجراء الکأس العالم فی قطر ؛ مقامات القطری تعزم هیئت الاولی لترضی الایرانیین اَن تعوق الحملات الصواریخی من البلد الیمنی الی سعودی ولکن هنا لا تضمین القطعیه عن هذا المهمیه.
هذا الواقعه وقعت لالاظهارات المقامات النظامیه الایرانیه فی الاسبوع الماضیه .
قناه الخبریه پرس تی وی فی تائید هذا التهدید وسع الربرتاژ الکامل عن المنابع المطمئنه .
حاج من الاوقات الانتظارات بعد الکأس العالم توجه عن الخبر الاولیه
العالم تنظر الی ایران و ایران تنظر الی بعد الکأس العالم ...
پ.ن : تزئینی باشه تو این صفحه
Muhammad Ali Rahmani
هممم جید! جید جداً! لکنکَّ نسیت هذا الحقیقة التی نحن هو الفائزون في النهایة یا اخي الکریم!
یا خدا
الان به این پی بردم که باید فارسی را پاس بداریم -
Smile and Smile and enjoy your opportunity for living ...! Smile and trust God and leave everything to him ...! Smile and be happy ...! Smile and be sure that every pain and sorrow is temporary ...! Smile and be yourself ...! Smile and know that you are unique because a peerless God made just 1 Version of you ...! Smile and climb to the top of the mountain of yours ...! Smile because you can enhance and improve yourself daily ...! Smile because every mistake can make you better ...! Smile because there is no losing in your whole life ...! Smile because every failure is your experience and every success is your moment ...! Smile because you may die tomorrow ...! Smile because you’re breathing ...! Smile because God loves you ...! Smile because your story is yours and you are different from others ...! Smile and thanks God for this opportunity that is called life ...! With all the sorrows, pains, cheers, tears, laughters, failures and successes, living is still beautiful ...!:)
~ •♡•
یا خدا
الان به این پی بردم که باید فارسی را پاس بداریم -
It was excellent -
Muhammad Ali Rahmani
من عربیم خوبه ولی بدون علامت نمیتونمGharibe Gomnam در یکمی خارجکی
گفته است:
Muhammad Ali Rahmani
من عربیم خوبه ولی بدون علامت نمیتونمشما هم باهاشون انگلیسی یا یه زبون دیگه حرف بزنین
این به اون در
Muhammad Ali Rahmani
هممم جید! جید جداً! لکنکَّ نسیت هذا الحقیقة التی نحن هو الفائزون في النهایة یا اخي الکریم!
پرچم که همیشه بالاست
پرچم که همیشه بالاست
Muhammad Ali Rahmani
شک نکن:) -
Muhammad Ali Rahmani
من عربیم خوبه ولی بدون علامت نمیتونمحالا تا ببینیم چی میشه ...
ان شاء الله اگر عمری موند ترجمهش بیوفته یک ماه و نیم دیگه
حالا تا ببینیم چی میشه ...
ان شاء الله اگر عمری موند ترجمهش بیوفته یک ماه و نیم دیگه
Muhammad Ali Rahmani
اون موقع که وقت دیدن نتیجه است بی ادببب فایده نداره کههه -
Muhammad Ali Rahmani
اون موقع که وقت دیدن نتیجه است بی ادببب فایده نداره کهههحالا سعی می کنیم که نتیجه رو تزئین کنیم
خوب بعضی چیزا ساده نباید ارائه بشه
قشنگ باید پُر مَلاتِش کنیم
حالا سعی می کنیم که نتیجه رو تزئین کنیم
خوب بعضی چیزا ساده نباید ارائه بشه
قشنگ باید پُر مَلاتِش کنیم
خوب انگلیسی و عربی ک فراوون
منم یک اصطلاح لاتین (که از این زبون هم فقط همین اصطلاح رو بلدم) رو با افتخار ارائه میکنم
!Carpe diam(به معنی فرصت رو غنیمت بشمر)