Smile and Smile and enjoy your opportunity for living ...! Smile and trust God and leave everything to him ...! Smile and be happy ...! Smile and be sure that every pain and sorrow is temporary ...! Smile and be yourself ...! Smile and know that you are unique because a peerless God made just 1 Version of you ...! Smile and climb to the top of the mountain of yours ...! Smile because you can enhance and improve yourself daily ...! Smile because every mistake can make you better ...! Smile because there is no losing in your whole life ...! Smile because every failure is your experience and every success is your moment ...! Smile because you may die tomorrow ...! Smile because you’re breathing ...! Smile because God loves you ...! Smile because your story is yours and you are different from others ...! Smile and thanks God for this opportunity that is called life ...! With all the sorrows, pains, cheers, tears, laughters, failures and successes, living is still beautiful ...!:)
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